Exhibit Showcases Delicate Beauty of US Botanical Art
Botanical artist Carol Malone-Brown is seated, bent forward, intently concentrating on a painting she is working on of a green apple with leaves. She carefully puts a small amount of
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Botanical artist Carol Malone-Brown is seated, bent forward, intently concentrating on a painting she is working on of a green apple with leaves. She carefully puts a small amount of
Read MoreBotanical art illustrates the delicate beauty of plant species, frequently in watercolor paintings. A series of botanical art exhibits featuring native plants is being showcased in 25 countries around the
Read MoreJune 30 marks Asteroid Day, a U.N.-sanctioned campaign to promote awareness around the world of what’s up in the sky. In Milan, scientists are assembling a new telescope that uses
Read MoreA new study of a popular HIV drug could ease concerns about its link to depression. Researchers in Uganda found that efavirenz, once feared to lead to depression and suicide,
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Read MoreSharks are the stars of a splashy new exhibit at the New York Aquarium. The new exhibit is a major step in the beachfront facility’s recovery from the devastating impact
Read MoreIn the months leading up to the 2019 Super Bowl, some of Atlanta’s bare walls will get a makeover. The city of Atlanta and the Super Bowl Host Committee have
Read MoreThe International Labor Organization (ILO) says urgent action is needed to avert a global crisis as the number of people, including children and elderly, needing care rises, The warning is
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Read MoreA new art exhibition in London depicts Michael Jackson as a savior, a saint, an entertainer, an icon, a monarch, a mask and a mystery. The National Portrait Gallery show,
Read MoreВ Україні щоденними курцями є 35,9% чоловіків і 7% жінок, загалом щоденно курить 7,2 мільйона дорослих українців. Такі дані навели представники Центру громадського здоров’я Міністерства охорони здоров’я України 27 червня
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Read MoreThere’s an exciting new breakthrough in treating deadly brain tumors. Doctors have used a modified polio virus to treat people with brain cancer. VOA’s Carol Pearson reports the results, so
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Read MoreA U.N. report warns the global production of cocaine and opium has reached record-breaking levels as the markets for those and other illicit drugs expand. In its World Drug Report
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Read MoreВода на 96 українських пляжах є небезпечною для купання, повідомляє Міністерство охорони здоров’я України. Такі дані наведені з урахуванням результатів дослідження води, проведених 15-21 червня. За даними МОЗ, якість води
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Read MoreBorn in Massachusetts, raised outside Washington D.C. and a resident of New York, director Debra Granik has lived a filmmaking life more intrepid than her own. Her films, fictional and
Read MoreThe group that hands out the Oscars said on Monday that it had invited 928 new members from 59 countries, in its biggest diversity drive after years of criticism of
Read MoreMalnutrition is the “challenge of our time,” with diet-related disease afflicting almost every country in the world, the winners of a $250,000 prize dubbed the Nobel for agriculture said Monday.
Read MoreU.S. health regulators on Monday approved the first prescription drug made from marijuana, a milestone that could spur more research into a drug that remains illegal under federal law, despite
Read MoreThe 2018 BET Awards barely handed out any trophies with big stars like Cardi B, Drake and Kendrick Lamar absent, but the show included superior performances by rising singer H.E.R.,
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Read MoreLatin American countries have sprung a World Cup surprise by filling Russia’s 11 host cities with tens of thousands of fans from Mexico and Colombia to Peru and Argentina. And
Read MoreDonald Hall, a prolific, award-winning poet and man of letters widely admired for his sharp humor and painful candor about nature, mortality, baseball and the distant past, has died at
Read MoreHand washing is one of the easiest ways to prevent some diseases. But in refugee camps and temporary shelters, providing access to soap, clean water and sanitation can put increased
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Read MoreLanguishing with fever and frustrated by delays in diagnosing his illness, Brian Gitta came up with a bright idea: a malaria test that would not need blood samples or specialized
Read MoreBefore it became one of the venues for the World Cup, the city of Volgograd in southwest Russia was famous for an overabundance of small, annoying flies called midges. While
Read MoreJehovah’s Witnesses have a long history of being persecuted around the world. Their activities are banned or restricted in several countries. They are considered an extremist organization in Russia, while
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